Cigar E Liquid
Browse our collection of some of the best bold and robust Cigar flavoured E Liquids, if you loved the taste of cigars but you've quit smoking, you'll want to try some of these amazing e liquids.
Cigars are very different from a cigarette, a cigar consists of a rolled-up bundle of fermented tobacco leaves. They are produced in a variety of different sizes, with the Cuban cigar being the most famously known in the world. Cigars are made with 3 different parts to it, in the centre, you will have the filler which is fermented leaves around this you will then have the binder leaf which holds it together and then on the outside you will have the wrapper leaf which should always be the best quality.
We feel that it just wouldn't be right to have Cigar E Liquids mixed in with our Tobacco E Liquid collection. For anyone who used to smoke knows that a cigar is completely different from having a cigarette. For many people who smoke, if it came to a big celebration there was often cigars, though when it comes to vaping cigar flavoured E Liquids they can be enjoyed at any time.
When we look for cigar e liquids we spend the time to make sure that they have that truly authentic taste. In our collection, you will find some of the best cigar e liquids in the world. Heart of YBOR is one brand that you'll want to check out, they have some great e liquids which is perfect for any cigar Connoisseur. Tobacco Bastards also have their very own cigar flavoured e liquid which is called Cohiba.
We even have VGOD Cubano Silver which comes with nic salt pre-mixed in. Personally, we think these cigar e juices are some of the best in the world and though you may have become smoke-free you can still enjoy the taste. So if you haven't tried any of these yet, we would highly recommend.