Star anise is a great flavour ingredient used in E Liquid, it can give a subtle tint which can really enhance certain E Liquids. Typically used in famous E Liquid flavours like Heisenberry, blackjack and many more. Vampire Vape E Liquids love to use Aniseed in many of their flavours, so we would strongly recommend checking some of their options.
Star of Anise is a spice made from the Chinese evergreen tree Illicium serum. It’s aptly named for the star-shaped pods from which the spice seeds are harvested and has a flavour that is reminiscent of liquorice. An often misconception that happens is star anise is often confused with anise, though the two spices are unrelated. Traditionally Star anise is famed not only for its distinct flavour and culinary applications but also for its medicinal benefits which the Chinese has used for thousands of years. The flavour comes from the beautiful seven-star seed pod, where its spicy flavour is extracted by crushing the seeds.
Star of Anise really is a memorising flavour, imagine a world without Liquorice, most kids hate this flavour but the older you get the more you enjoy it. Remember your parents having a liquorice all sorts and eating the sweets on the outside and giving the liquorice back to them. These anise e liquid are sweet but also as the spicy feeling hits the back of your throat, the the liquorice flavour soothes your senses.